Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Every year our church as an egg hunt.
It starts with playtime outside (for the little guys). Here is Brady in a bounce house...
...then they go inside for donuts and a story about the TRUE meaning of Easter- Jesus!

...then to the great easter egg hunt where my little guy could barely keep up with his daddy. There were a lot of kids and the eggs were going fast so daddy kept rushing him to get the eggs. The funniest part was that Brady would have been totally happy with nothing in his basket because he just loved running around and seeing all the other kids! Ahh the joys of toddlerhood. Next year he will know better:)
The aftermath- this was taken before he had the chocolate all over his face:)

1 comment:

fatquiver said...

I love the little folded hands. You guys are amazing parents...just thought I'd let you know. :)